Social, Emotional & Mental Health
The Aspire Learning Federation is made up of two schools - Elm Park Primary School and R J Mitchell Primary School in the London Borough of Havering.
My child has difficulties with Social, Emotional &/or Mental Health
This can include:
- All those young people who experience short but significant periods of high anxiety, stress, distress or anger that affect their education
- Young people who have a range of longer-term recognised mental health conditions
- Forming and maintaining relationships
- Bereavement
- Attitudes to attainment
- Attendance
- Self-esteem
- Life outside school
What can RJ Mitchell offer?
- Time spent in our SEMH Hub - The Poppy Room
- Home school support worker
- The use of Visual Timetables where appropriate
- Art Therapy sessions
- ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) sessions
- Mindfulness
- Lunch Time groups
- Class Learning Ambassadors and Learning Experts
- Small group work where necessary
- Learning and Life Skills sessions
- Timetabled lunchtime and after-school clubs
- Achievement Certificates
- Restorative Justice approach to behaviour
- Bespoke behaviour plans and reward systems where necessary
- Behaviour Consultations with the Local Authority
- Bereavement Counselling can be arranged with external agencies
- Trained and specialised LSAs who support children with all SEMH difficulties
- Positive reinforcements and celebration of successes
- Personalised Learning to ensure all pupils are engaged and interested.